Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I hate weeding the garden as you can tell from this shamefull photo.....

Two days a total of 8 hours weeding and I'm still not done....
I got about 3/4 of the weeds pulled from around the veggies and left all the weeds in the rows, think I'll use the weed whacker in the rows since there's plenty of room.
After a terrible start my garden is growing very well. I lost a lot of plants in the beginning, as soon as the seedlings appeared some unknown sneaky bug would eat them overnight. I re-seeded some and bought seedlings from the greenhouse down the road for the rest. Still something tried to eat all my pepper plants and succeeded on some. I had 4 jalapeno plant and now only 2 are growing well. My habaneros got off to a rotten start and so I bought replacements early, now the original plants and the replacements are doing fantastic, so I will have an abundance of habaneros, can you say "HOT"! My tomato's (all varieties that I planted) are doing great, I never have trouble with the tom's, they always grow well here.
My back is killing me and my hands are still dirty (despite several scrubbings) but I have a great sense of accomplishment. Now to get the knee high grass mowed...............

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